Musical Movement Masterclass
I am so excited to present this masterclass with and for our students. I’ve been passionate about skillful movement for over 20 years in my own playing. Once I learned that great tone emerged after losing the tension, I was hooked. I’ve been helping my private students create beautiful movement patterns that work with their bodies for over 15 years, and I’m excited to share what I know with you! ~ Kat
This Masterclass will take place Sunday, September 28th, 10:00-11:30 a.m. at our KSM Oaklawn Extension (address given at registration). $20 per participant.
What to Expect
In this 90 minute workshop, Kat will work with participants in turn, offering insight as to how the body moves best and how to achieve that while playing. While one person is receiving expert technique assistance, everyone can learn by watching.
Kat helps students notice where they’re holding tension in their playing and posture, and helps them release those patterns while playing. Great tone and expression magically emerges once we can release the tension holding it back!
Beginners through Advanced welcome, age 9 and up!
Everyone Participates & Everyone Observes
In most Masterclasses, the teacher only works with a few of the students and everyone else watches. That’s great, but I want to help everyone in this masterclass. You’ll definitely learn from watching me work with others, but I want this to be a full participation workshop with and FOR everyone! Bring your instrument and let me give you specific pointers on how to improve your technique - along with everyone else!
You’ll be amazed at your tone once you aren’t working against yourself!
A Note from Kat:
Nervous to be a participate? Please don’t be! I need folks to be my guinea pig to help demonstrate concepts that ALL musicians struggle with! I promise to make this pain-free (literally!) and really fun. Honest-to-goodness, we’re gonna have a good time! 😀